Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It came from another computer...

While I'm out of minutes, those of you with broadband connections can download a selection of episodes from Tatsunoko's FUTURE POLICE URASHIMAN at Anime World Order...

(I have a DVD box of the series [that I haven't watched in years], so I haven't tried the torrent myself).

The series was an interesting take on the Space Sherrif/Robocop theme, although I personally found the Leader Fuhrer storyline and ending to be letdowns.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Well it seems that my 'net time for the month has run out, so no new content will be published until the weekend.

THIS is certainly an auspicious start.

Currently watching GOJIRA and THE MYSTERIANS in the hopes of being able to write something that's not about toys.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Leopardon SOC video

Here's a review of an expensive adult collector toy actual toy-age child!

Soul of Chogokin Leopaldon & Spider man Review

Leopaldon & Spiderman at CollectionDX

I'm kind of waffling on getting this. I own an original DX Leopardon which faithfully replicates the transformation just like the SOC and has launching fists, but only a molded Arc Turn crest (which wasn't fired in the video - I suppose that the kid's father didn't want it lost). The toy comes with two very short swords and one VERY big sword (a moderate-size sword was used in the TV series and SOC).

Neither toy fires "Spider/Leopardon String" (this was named differently in different episodes*) firing from its chest or has its eyes light up (used in episode #4 to see a monster through smoke).

* - Interestingly, I think that episode #4 was the only time that the Leopardon String ever tied anything up -every other episode had the string just knock the monster back.

The SOC seems to have all the gimmicks of the original with greater poseability. But no nipple missiles. It seems to be pretty durable, which is a plus - I don't bang toys around, but I'm the biggest klutz in the universe.

The shield included with the SOC was never used in the series, and to my knowledge never came with an official toy. A Korean bootleg (which is an upsized "standard" Leopardon toy) does come with a (cheap) shield.

Yeah, I know I'll succumb eventually to the Leo lure. But I still want the Jumbo Machinder the most (a beaten up one at Jpn store Mandarake is going for $4K according to Alt and Machias the Otackers - AAAARGH!)
American "Otackers"in Figure King

Uber-collector Matt Alt and Patrick Macias have a column debuting in Japanese magazine Figure King. Congratulations!

A few of their entertaining toy travails are available on Macias's podcast at An Eternal Thought in the mind of Godzilla. (There doesn't seem to be a page for the podcast itself).

Reminded by this of places I should link to, I've added ToyboxDX and Robot Japan to the sidebar.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Galaxy Force Optimus Prime review

To continue with Transformers, I recently succumbed and bought the Galaxy Force Optimus Prime toy (Cybertron line, not an import). I do not own the original.

The new lines are loving recolors - many of the big expensive toys are being recolored for more sales. I wonder how successful they are at getting kids to re-buy toys they already have (yeah, I'm sure superfans do, but I wonder how many of even those double dip). Most of the time the recolors look much better than the originals, the exception being Armada "Final Battle" Optimus, who looks like a mess aside from the prettily-chromed Corona Sparkplug.

Galaxy Force Optimus Prime

Gallery of pictures of the Takara version in original colors

The vehicle mode is a tractor trailer that attaches a trailer to turn into a firetruck, which spreads wings into a FLYING fire truck. Being a fan of Ideon (both the show and the robot) I'm a bit more kindly disposed to big flying boxes with wings.

As is par for the course for most Powermaster-and-beyond truck Primes, the cab turns into a small robot, while the trailer attaches to become a bigger robot (in this case, the trailer becomes basically a jetpack). The small robot isn't as poseable as RiD Prime, but it's good enough. One nice thing about the robot is the movable faceplate (a lever lifts the plate on when pulled back). While this was obviously meant to give the look of the BW Primal face, it also reminded me of Daikengo, whose faceplate split in two to reveal a fierce face (have to dig my tape out of this one of these days).

Italian DAIKENGO OP. The original Jpn OP is only in robot OP collections on Youtube.

I really like the black replacing the blue on the toy - much less cheery.

The Cyber Key itself is also much improved, with grey replacing blue and the Autobot symbol chromed (yeah, it'll scratch off real soon, but it looks nice NOW). No real place to store the Cyber Key aside from the slot in the gun (one reason I hate the gimmick - the keys are too easy to lose on many toys).

The original is available at CostCo stores in a 2-pack with CYB Wing Saber and a DVD for $40 (which is about what I paid for GF Op). Unless you really want the new colors like I did, try to get that version. I don't think Wing Saber looks all that great, but it's a good value.

Now I'd better go and think of some non-TF material...
Masterpicece Megatron in its neon orange glory

Apparently there is a Masterpiece Megatron coming out (i.e. a frightfully expensive, but wonderfully engineered toy meant for adult fans)

Apparently to get the thing into the US it has to have an orange cap or paint to get past customs laws. Aargh.

MP-05 at Big Bad Toystore

(One online dealer is apparently selling the thing unaltered - or trying to).

Personally, I'd rather just have a faithful-in-robot-mode Megs who turns into a tank and can be sold in the US*. Unlike Optimus Prime, until Classics Hasbro/Takara hasn't even tried to give us a Megatron toy who looks like the original.

* - The 1984 toy couldn't be reissued in the US due to the shape of the thing - this toy will probably suffer the same fate even if the gun is too ludicrously huge to be taken seriously.

Let's just hope he's not blue like the MP Starscream (brilliant, guys - "A toy that only nutso fans will buy? Let's miscolor him!")

This is my fourth first post on this blog. Hopefully it won't be another false start.

Brief info - northern VA resident, fanboy, and twentysomething curmudgeon who is so paranoid he blogs anonymously about robots.

Let's begin.