NOTE: This summary is based on an imperfect translation (I do not speak Japanese). Please let me know of any inaccuracies.
Triton of the Sea is copyright 1972 by Office Academy. This summary is an effort by a fan for fans.

"Demon's Place in the Pacific Ocean"
Neleus is asked about Heptapoda's escape from Lehar and denies knowing anything. Lehar is given one more chance.
Speaking of Baboony, he comes to Atlantis to borrow the royal guard commanded by Gylbes (who doesn't like the idea).
Triton and the gang dive underground to avoid a wall of fire seemingly leaked from oil tanks. Unfortunately, the fire has sucked the oxygen from the water, and it's hard for the group to breathe. Suspicous, Triton uses the Oriharucon on the fire, and it dissolves. The group makes it through. At Atlantis, Lehar again presses for Gylbes's troops, saying that the illusion is all he can do. He is told to ask Poseidon. Suddenly, they spot Heptapoda.
Heptapoda meets Triton, and tells him goodbye. She does not want to go with them; it will only be more trouble since Poseidon has condemned her to death. She wishes she could have known people like him earlier.
Angry at Heptapoda and Triton, Poseidon gives Lehar use of the royal
Heptapoda sees a monster that looks like something from under a microscope, only larger. She goes to warn Triton, but the monster traps her inside it and drags her down. Triton saves Heptapoda, but she is wounded.
Suddenly, Lehar's light appears, and out of it comes tentacles which
chase everyone. Karo realizes that they are illusion, but poison gas
and whirlpools appear. The Oriharucon-ex-machina gets rid of these
threats, but suddenly the Gylbes gang appears.
Triton and the gang flee (thinking that the guards are phantoms). Heptapoda realized that they are the real thing, and they attack.
With Heptapoda's help, the guards are beaten. Heptapoda says to go
to the Indian ocean, where an immortal fish named Rakan lives, to
find out secrets. Suddenly, the guard's swords animate themselves and attack. Triton fights them off, but cannot activate the Oriharucon to disintegrate them. Heptapoda distracts the swords long enough for Triton to activate the dagger, but is killed in the process.
The glow blinds Lehar. Marcus appears and tells Lehar that he is
to wander the seas blind forever.
Triton buries Heptapoda on an island in the sun, where she can have
the sunlight she dreamed of...
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