NOTE: This summary is based on an imperfect translation (I do not speak Japanese). Please let me know of any inaccuracies.
Triton of the Sea is copyright 1972 by Office Academy. This summary is an effort by a fan for fans.
"Confrontation in the North Pacific Ocean"
Marcuses yell at Poripeimos for not finding Triton even with Doriate's shark army, and Poripeimos says that Doriate can have them back - his armies will find Triton soon. "Counting on your followers? Are you going to make the same mistake twice?" Marcus asks. "Find him by
yourself. Move it!" Poripeimos boards a sound angler and vows that he will get revenge on Triton. (Suuuure...)
At Dolphin Island, Pipi won't leave her hovel. The dolphins call for Pipi to come out, and
sing the annoying ED song to force her out (it doesn't work; she doesn't even throw rocks at them). On his broodin' rock, Triton wonders why Pipi and he cannot see eye to eye (not
exact). His parents' reflections appear in the water and tell him that they have to get along for the happiness of the sea. After they vanish, Luka comes up and asks why he's hiding out. Triton
expresses remorse for his actions last episode, and Luka tells him Pipi'll get over it. She won't come out now because she knows Triton is angry. Triton says he hates that kind of girl and
jumps into the ocean, where a storm's a brewin'.
Morsejellies see Triton running away and tap out their message. Poripeimos realizes his chance has come and goes after the island. Luka takes off to find Triton, leaving the dolphins to watch Pipi. Pipi is not exactly worried at the prospect of Poripeimos finding Triton.
Triton hears the voices of his parents in a distant fog, and swims
after the sound. He is swept into a whirlpool...straight to
Poripeimos and his beepin' angler pals. (Geez, kid, that
had "TRAP!" written all over it...) Triton prepares to fight, when
suddenly an angler turns to stone. Doriate, riding Gelpura, tells
Poripeimos she will be the one to kill Triton - she found him first
and her sharks found him. Poripeimos, unsurprisingly, does not agree.
Gelpura whisks Triton away in a whirlpool, taking him to Doriate's
home. Baleful Eyes does not like this development.
Triton is whacked around by Gelpura and attacked by sharks. They
chase him to Doriate's volcano and Doriate, despite his dagger. Gelpura grabs him again. "If I die here, Medon will be heartbroken!" Triton says, and chops off a tentacle with the Oriharucon dagger. Gelpura chases Triton with poison ink toward the same volcano that killed Medon, and Triton manages to kill Gelpura by the old "lure and dodge at last second" trick.
Doriate praises his abilities, but promises to kill him and tells him his dagger will be useless. She manages to get Triton between a rock and a hard stoning whip, but Triton manages to destroy her whip. She uses her hair to pull him to her, but Triton cuts it off. She falls. "Terrible...terrible dagger...I would have killed you if you didn't have it...but using it without knowing will get you in trouble one day..."
Triton asks why he is being attacked, and Doriate tells him that
he is the only one in the way of Poseidon dominance. The Poseidon
and Triton have been fighting for a long time, and they must kill
Triton and Pipi (confirming her Triton heritage). "No one knows
these secrets better than Poseidon...Get to him if you want...but
it won't be easy!" Doriate dives into a volcano, because that's what
Japanese anime villains do when they lose. (Unless they're Desslok).
Triton wonders about the heritage of his dagger, but is glad that
Pipi truly IS a Triton.
Oriharucon dagger. He hadn't imagined Triton was so dangerous(?)
"Before he can discover the real use of the Oriharucon dagger, kill
him! Kill Triton! Kill him!"

Tritó es tant guapo, jo em vaig enamorar d'ell, l'estimo molt i sempre l'estimaré.
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