NOTE: This summary is based on an imperfect translation (I do not speak Japanese). Please let me know of any inaccuracies.
Triton of the Sea is copyright 1972 by Office Academy. This summary is an effort by a fan for fans.
Triton and the others continue on toward the Atlantic. Triton vows
to kill Poseidon and finally bring peace to the sea (we get it, buddy).
Morsejellies tap that Triton is about to reach the Atlantic. Gylbess tries to raise the morale of his defense team, but Minotus arrives and tells him that only an attacker will beat Triton, not a defender. A lizard-like creature, Mybes, arrives and tells the two of them that a large group of fish and birds are gathering to back Triton up.
Well, it's "don't SHOOT the messenger". Slicing is A-OK.
Mybes looks WAY too much like Kermit the Frog here...
The three of them argue about who the best is, and Poseidon angrily
reminds them that their dead colleagues all said the same things.
He sends Minotus and Mybes to deal with Triton. Poseidon calls up
evil whirlwinds to destroy Triton.
Triton hears a strange sound, and Luka warns them that Poseidon must be near. Suddenly, a whirlpool appears. The group attempts to escape, but is sucked into the whirlpool. Poseidon tells it to take Triton to the "seas of the devil" (?)
Triton wakes up alongside a ruined ship. Suddenly, a leechlike flower
attacks! The Oriharucon dagger destroys it, but more soon attack.
Triton goes onto the ship to escape. Suddenly, he notices something
like a two-headed shark leaping into the air. Pipi runs onto the ship,
but a giant tentacle catches her. Triton goes underneath, seeing a
squid resembling Doriate's. He kills the beast with the Oriharucon
Triton joins Pipi on the ship. The dolphins attempt to join them, but
the leech flowers attack. Triton cuts a hole in the ship's hull to allow
the dolphins inside, where the flowers cannot go. Suddenly, Triton
hears Pipi's voice. He follows the a room full of
dead humans!
Triton walks among the humans...and notices a dead ringer for
Heptapoda! Pipi suddenly spots Minotus...or, rather, a human who
looks exactly like him (but with white skin and brown hair). Suddenly,
they hear Minotus's evil laugh...and Mintous and Mybes break through
the wall! Minotus introduces Mybes...and his already-fishlike human
form behind them. Triton realizes that the Poseidon generals were
made from human beings!
Mybes's human form. The lizard is an improvement, however Muppetlike
Minotus freezes the Oriharucon dagger, and the two monsters attack. Triton lures them away from Pipi, who notices a lamp and realized Minotus might fear it. (She doesn't like it too much either).
Yeah, Pipi annoys me too. Oh, wait, you're afraid of THIS...
Pipi comes to the surface of the ship and manages to use it on Mybes. Mybes tries to extinguish the fire by leaping into the leech flower-filled ocean, and manages to burn quite a few of the flowers. Meanwhile, lobsters attack the dolphins inside the ship.
Mybes Flambe'
Triton uses the flaming sections of the ship to warm the Oriharucon up enough to use it. Suddenly, he hears the birds and fish come en masse!
Triton manages to free his dagger and kill Minotus, and the ship burns.
The group continues toward the Atlantic...
Poseidon tells Gylbess that they can never let the Oriharucon dagger glow in the ruins of Atlantis...

if u can upload the episodes on utube or put them on megaupload it would be much appreciated.
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