NOTE: This summary is based on an imperfect translation (I do not speak Japanese). Please let me know of any inaccuracies.
Triton of the Sea is copyright 1972 by Office Academy. This summary is an effort by a fan for fans.

"A Journey to the Atlantic Ocean"
Triton and Pipi see birds falling into the ocean. Sadly, they wonder if they will ever get to Poseidon at the rate they're going.
In Atlantis, Morsejellies report the loss of the battle over Dolphin Island to a conference of Poseidon generals. Of course, Poseidon is still unhappy. "As long as Triton is alive, I will never win the battle." Neleus asks Poseidon to listen to him. This does not go over well with tall, winged, and stony, but he lets his followers speak.
Indian Ocean commander Pluda, a bull-horned, tiger striped humanoid, says that it will be easy for him to beat Triton.
The green scaly Golsenos says that HE should handle Triton.
Minodarth says that the Oliharucon dagger is the only danger about Triton. Neleus cannot belive that the dagger is that powerful, but thinks it is possible. If it is that powerful, Neleus thinks that they should go easy on Poripeimos.
Red Gylbes says HE should handle Triton. Neleus tells him to shut it.
How will these villains ever be defeated? One or two at a time, over 13 episodes.
The lizard dude on the right is Mybes. In fact, he's Minodarth's brother. Whatta family.
"When Atlantis sank 5000 years ago, the Oriharucon dagger gave off a terrifying light. Right, Poseidon? Triton doesn't know how to use it...Give Poripeimos another chance!" Marcus goes to tell Poripeimos to kill Triton (doesn't finback KNOW THAT by now!?) "We will not forgive failure!" warns Marcus. (SPOILER - he actually does mean it this time).
Triton wonders if he will find his parents in the Atlantic. He remembers Ippei, and a bunch of events that already happened. (A sleazy clip show! My fingers thank you, Tsuji Masaki!)
After 10 minutes of clips, it gets foggy and the two of them dive underwater. They see a school of fish in the distance, but they turn out to be dolphins. They are from the Atlantic, and Triton
asks them if they know anything about the Triton. They say that they saw a Triton man and woman. The dolphins offer to go back and fight Poseidon, but suddenly they hear sound angler beeps.
Sharks attack Triton and Pipi; Triton fights him off with the Oriharucon dagger. Poripeimos fights Triton hand to hand, and no one seems to be getting the upper hand. Suddenly, manta
rays sink into the water, dead. The dolphins are fighting them off. Poripeimos laughs this off, and Triton then cuts off the sound angler's beeper. This causes the angler to go nuts, and
Triton proceeds to hack off all the angler beepers and escape in the chaos.
Back in Atlantis, the other generals aren't happy about Poripeimos's bungling. Neleus tells them that Poseidon will be the judge of Poripeimos.
Triton tells the generic dolphins to build a new Dolphin Island, and proceeds again toward the Atlantic Ocean...

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