NOTE: This summary is based on an imperfect translation (I do not speak Japanese). Please let me know of any inaccuracies.
Triton of the Sea is copyright 1972 by Office Academy. This summary is an effort by a fan for fans.
Lehar arrives in Atlantis in a whirlwind of yellow energy before
changing to a normal form (if horned, baboon-cheeked guys are your
idea of normal). He is assigned as commander of the Pacific
and is pleased.
Triton hears a strange sound, and sees an orca in the distance.
Fin tells him to run; the orca is the fiercest fish in the sea.
Going closer, they see the orca is badly wounded. He tells Triton
to be careful; don't think of it; don't do anything when he sees it.
The orca expires before telling them what IT is.
Elsewhere, Luka, Ero, and Karo are caught in a storm. They dive
below and see nothing but dead sea. They see Dolphin Island and
run toward it, Luka yelling at them to stop. Of course, it was an
illusion, and they end up trapped in a room full of bones, with
a monster at one entrance and piranas at the other. The piranas
chase them toward the monster; fortunately the monster is also
an illusion.
Triton goes to scout for whatever killed the orca. Pipi eventually
Below, Lehar laughst at the dolphins; they were let go on purpose.
He tells a Morsejelly that Poseidon will soon see something cool.
In the depths, Triton comes upon an image of Ippei. He almost grabs
onto it before he remembers the orca's warning. To stop himself from going toward the illusion, he steps on a shell to cause his pain to break him away. Suddenly, he sees Pipi going toward an illusion of Proteus and her sea lion friends.
Triton tells her not to look, but she goes forward and is sucked into the cave, which is suddenly filled with poison gas. Triton follows to rescue her as Lehar laughs at their foolishness. Lehar wakes up the bones, which come together and attack Triton. Triton fights them until two of the skeletons stab each other, and fall apart.
Triton finds Pipi, who hides a sharp piece of rock behind her back.
The two of them hear the conch Fin is blowing, and suddenly Pipi
attacks. Triton fights her off, and the poison gas begins again.
Fortunately, the good ol' Oriharucon-ex-machina neutralizes the poison gas and, when stuck in the walls, opens the cave. Triton emerges to find Luka and the other dolphins.
Pipi is enraged at Poseidon's exploitation of her memories and tells
them that she will never forgive the Poseidon. Triton tells them that
they must all fight on; Poseidon is waiting in the Atlantic...

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