Let's get this oversized shopping center on the screen!...
FINALLY got a digital camera (well, video camera that takes still pictures) of my very very own. Unfortuately, I still need to borrow a cord to get the darned images to my computer.
At any rate, time to post some grainy, ill-focused pictures.
The last few Transformer lines have been pretty heavy on remakes of older toys. While I may rant on and on about remakes of anime and TS, I really like a lot of the new versions of classic characters that the Transformer TOY LINE has done.
That has now stopped with the new Movie line (scroll down for a full catalog)...But back to more pleasant things.
Energon Scorponok and Cybertron Metroplex were two new versions of two of my favorite toys from the G1 line. While overall the new toys are a big improvement over what I remember of the old ones (don't still own 'em - sigh), I really missed the base modes.
Fortunately, the toys were pretty easy to twist into bases. They are accompanied by the unruly "Giant Planet Minicon Team".
There are many other unofficial base modes for these things, but I like these. Frankly, I prefer these modes over their "official" vehicle/animal modes.
Scorponok's legs make good launching pads for wheeled Minocons like Longarm.

Metroplex's "feet" make good landing pads for planes and choppers like Overcast.

They're also good for launching flying submarine robots. This character is called Deepdive, but I personally have renamed him Sheilatron. If "he" were sentient "he" would be mad right now.

FINALLY got a digital camera (well, video camera that takes still pictures) of my very very own. Unfortuately, I still need to borrow a cord to get the darned images to my computer.
At any rate, time to post some grainy, ill-focused pictures.
The last few Transformer lines have been pretty heavy on remakes of older toys. While I may rant on and on about remakes of anime and TS, I really like a lot of the new versions of classic characters that the Transformer TOY LINE has done.
That has now stopped with the new Movie line (scroll down for a full catalog)...But back to more pleasant things.
Energon Scorponok and Cybertron Metroplex were two new versions of two of my favorite toys from the G1 line. While overall the new toys are a big improvement over what I remember of the old ones (don't still own 'em - sigh), I really missed the base modes.
Fortunately, the toys were pretty easy to twist into bases. They are accompanied by the unruly "Giant Planet Minicon Team".

Scorponok's legs make good launching pads for wheeled Minocons like Longarm.

They're also good for launching flying submarine robots. This character is called Deepdive, but I personally have renamed him Sheilatron. If "he" were sentient "he" would be mad right now.

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