Poseidon Eyebeams - When you absotively, posolutely got to kill every motherblanker in the room, accept no substitutes! Except these...
Because I'm low on ideas and want to post SOMETHING other than TRITON summaries, I'll post pictures of the giant final superweapons of TRITON director Yoshiyuki Tomino's GUNDAM and IDEON.
Mobile Suit Gundam is copyright 1979 by Nippon Sunrise
Space Runaway Ideon is copyright 1980 by Nippon Sunrise
First, the Solar Ray of MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM...
This little doozy was created from a colony cylinder, so it's basically a big boring tube. The firing sequence:

This "light of hate" apparently destroys half of the Federation's fleet. Unfortunately, WE NEVER SEE ANY OF IT! Reminds me of the battle of Wolf 359 in Star Trek: The Next Generation, where all we saw until DS9 were the destroyed hulks of the Starfleet ships after the battle. Of course, TNG did that for budgetary reasons - Gundam doesn't have that excuse.
This may have been corrected in the movies, but I never got around to nabbing the DVD copies of those. Besides, I LIKE the G-Fighter, goshdarnit.
Next, the much neater looking Gand Rowa cannon of SPACE RUNAWAY IDEON:
Reminds me of the Shadow vessels of BABYLON 5 (which came 15 years after IDEON's release). The firing sequence is odder - instead of the full-on shots of Poseidon and the Solar Ray firing, the ray is shown firing from the point of view of the Gand Rowa's back:

Ideon fires back its Ideon Swords at the Gand Rowa; often it's hard to tell which is a Gand Rowa beam or an Ideon Sword beam:

Mobile Suit Gundam is copyright 1979 by Nippon Sunrise
Space Runaway Ideon is copyright 1980 by Nippon Sunrise
First, the Solar Ray of MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM...

This may have been corrected in the movies, but I never got around to nabbing the DVD copies of those. Besides, I LIKE the G-Fighter, goshdarnit.
Next, the much neater looking Gand Rowa cannon of SPACE RUNAWAY IDEON:

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