Sunday, December 17, 2006

Diatron 5 on the Interweb...

Dear God.

Someone has posted the entire movie of MICRO-COMMANDO DIATRON-5 on YouTube, in 7 parts. (This video is part 1). I'd previously had the movie on VHS, but only watched it once (and NEVER AGAIN)!

D-5 is the closest thing we have to a DIACLONE movie or TV series, which excited many Transformer fans until they actually *saw* the blasted thing. (The DIACLONE toy line was the source of *many* of the original Transformer toys.)

The movie is available in Wal-Mart's $1 DVD racks as SPACE TRANSFORMER, although with a different dub (by Joseph Lai productions - urgh) and the opening theme song in the original Korean with no animation - only white credits on a red background.

I never realized the actual dubs were different until just now when I checked my SPACE TRANSFORMER DVD, since I'm no masochist who wants to actually WATCH these...things.

*You* should watch this, though. And suffer as I have suffered! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!


Blogger Chris Sobieniak said...

Thanks for enjoying my videos! I also have an MST3K edition done by a fan group about 15 years ago but didn't stuck that up however (it would confuse newbies whom haven't been in the anime thing as long as I have).

3:04 PM  

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