Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ajiba 3

Here's a parody song by Sunrise - a slightly reworded DAITARN-3 theme with the characters of Ideon.

I still haven't watched BE INVOKED, aside from the ending that's not worth watching. (From what I've read, just like SPIELBAN 44 and the theatrical cut of Blade Runner*, INVOKED is a case of "Shut the video player off at the right point and it's perfect"). The TV series is well worth getting, although only the movies and 1-19 have been subbed (and the latter only by Chinese DVD pirates).

EVANGELION creator Hideki Anno cited IDEON as an influence, although aside from the fact that the endings to both IDEON and EVA were awful**, it's hard to see. EVA has:

NO cultural conflict between people who are so alike, but so just want to kill each other!

NO exploration of the universe and neat if often unoriginal worlds!

NO space samurai!

NO flying giant space trucks that are *supposed* to be ancient artifacts!

And, most importantly,

NO dudes with big red 'fros!


* - Hey, I LIKED the Harrison Ford voiceover, even though it went over some good music. The "happy" ending was worthless.

** - Yeah, END OF EVA was very pretty, but what the [bleep] happened? The IDEON ending was perfectly comprehensible - it was just stupid.


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