Monday, December 11, 2006

C'mon AnimeEigo - We Want Galvion!

Let's try posting a video.

This guy "Harlockhero" tries to persuade AnimEigo to license the colossal flop GALVION by describing the opening in ludicrous detail. I'm on his side.

All the rights to the other works of Kokusai Eigasha (Movie International) have Enoki Films sitting on them. They have been given appropriately stupid "international" names (ironic, ain't it).

Bryger (J-9 I)
Baxingar (J-9 II)
Sasuraigar (JJ-9)
Srungle(chopped together with Goshogun to make [MA-MA-MA-MA-MA-MA-] MACRON-1. Feel the power.)

Enoki has released a compilation video of SPACE OZ, which is sold at WALMART alongside classic Joseph Lai-dubbed Korean anime. So where's my $1 J-9, you bastards?

At least I have the J-9 soundtrack CD, which kicks 3*9 types of ass. Well worth the 30 bucks and 3 months it took my money order to travel through the maze of the Japanese postal system.

PLEASE NOTE: While $1 Korean anime DVDs are fun to hunt down and collect, never ever ever ever actually watch one of them. They are pure pain.

BTW, there *is* a true gem in those $1 DVD racks - STARBIRDS, the dubbed compilaton film of FIGHTING GENERAL DAIMOS, my favorite robot anime of all time. Sadly, it's only appreciated in the Phillipines, where it is a far second to VOLTES V in terms of popularity. BUY IT!!!!


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