Saturday, December 30, 2006

As stated earlier, I got GAOGAIGAR vol. 1 as a present for Xmas. The show is basically a fun
kid's robot show in its first few episodes. I gather it gets much better after the first half,
but I really enjoyed the first DVD and bought the second one yesterday. Nothing "deep" (thank goodness- depth to anime creators [and to too many other people] means "incomprehensible"], just good robot fun.

A few comments on the first DVD:

-I really like the concept of the monsters being transformed humans, even if I have the suspicion that this was to have a "no killing" policy for international markets (the show's main kid Mamoru transforms the cores of the Zonder robots back to humans).

-The designs for the characters are mostly decent, aside from the kids and Shishido Gai himself,
who are far too "modern" (i.e. big eyes and weird hair) for my hopelessly retrograde tastes. The
cover art makes these guys look even worse than they actually are, since hideous art is
what otaku like nowadays.

-Takara is really hard-selling the toys in the Brave series - not surprising since the show was a replacement for TRANSFORMERS. Still, it gets annoying - new devices are introduced in eps. 3 and 4, new Transformer-like robots [Hyoryuu and Enryuu] are introduced in episode 5, and the combined Choryuujin and his Eraser Head thingy are introduced in episode 6! I miss the old days, when Mazinger Z didn't get the Jet Scrander until his show had been on for almost a year.

-A SCREWDRIVER?! The Dividing Driver is used to create a safe space for battle, not for actually manipulating screws. This IS pretty silly, although I wouldn't have complained if Takara had made the whole show hardware/construction based. [Hey, YOU'D watch a Korean anime starring Devastator fighting blue Zeons. Well, I know I would].

-Speaking of the Dividing Screwdriver, this reminded me of the live-action Metal Hero SPIELBAN'S Hyperslip device. This device whooshed enemy soldiers and battleships from a populated city to a safe (and boring) Toei-standard rock quarry. I'll have to watch more to see if this idea is so the animators don't have to kill themselves drawing backgrounds. [I'm the Kup of robot anime - every show reminds me of some other show.]

-The $20 per DVD policy is not a good idea - Media Blasters would have been better served to just sub this and release it as a few inexpensive 13-ep "brick" DVD sets. The people like me who eat this old-school robot stuff up are few and far between, and even I balk about eventually spending $200 on this show.


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