Sunday, December 03, 2006

Transformers Classics Rambling...

I picked up the TF Classics Rodimus yesterday while Xmas shopping (couldn't resist).

The Classics line is apparently the bone given to TF fans so they'll be happy when the Michael Bay movie comes out (which is ruining every classic character design, aside from the mostly untouchable Optimus Prime). I currently own:

Starscream - very nice updating of the Diaclone design and transformation scheme, although the plane fins aren't very adjustable. Then again, the Diaclone was a brick with arm chunks; the Classics version is very poseable. My only annoyance is that the eyes are pretty shabbily painted on mine - one's completely gray.

Astrotrain - I never owned the Diaclone version (I can't recall if it was actually sold as a Diaclone or just planned for the line before G1). The Classics version is very nice, aside from the fact that the shuttle has big bullet train chunks on the sides, and the train has a nose cone on its butt badly disguised by shuttle wings.

- Not great, but he's a gun again, so I cut the creators some slack. The thing's basically an origami puzzle with a gun shell covering it. At least he doesn't have a big plank with a trigger sticking out of his crotch.

Yes, I should post my own pictures. But it's hard to rationalize buying a digital camera to take pictures of
A - robots
B - dogs
C - dogs with robots.

At any rate, Rodimus is, like Starscream, a more poseable and better proportioned update to the G1 toy. A flip-out sawblade (a homage to the Movie scene where Roddy hacks through tentacles on Quintessa) is attached to the arm, only it's a "data-com", since sawblades are apparently too violent. I like the design, aside from the grimacing face - I guess the innocent face on the G1 version isn't X-TREEM enough for today's youth. (The G1 Rodimus Prime toy looked mad, but that guy was always grouching about something on the show).

The color scheme of Hot Rod/Rodimus always reminded me of Zanbo A from ZAMBOT 3, which has the same red color and yellow fins (if no flames). Zambot 3 is probably my favorite anime robot design (and second favorite robot design after this site's mascot). The show's not shabby either.

Video of Zambot 3 combining

P.S. - I've added Dave Van Domelen' site of extensive TF reviews on the sidebar for anyone who wants to read more exhaustive reviews than mine.


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